
We will present how to compile the code, install, and run the various scripts with setuptools.


Because of the programs written in Python, and some parts of the library in C++, you must have Python 3, at least Python version 3.6, a C++ compiler and cmake installed on your system to build the library.


The C++ compiler must support the ISO C++ 2017 standard

The compiling C++ requires the following development library:

You can install these packages on Ubuntu by typing the following command:

sudo apt-get install g++ cmake libeigen3-dev libboost-dev

You need, also, to install Python libraries before configuring and installing this software:

You can install these packages on Ubuntu by typing the following command:

sudo apt-get install python3-numpy


Once you have satisfied the requirements detailed above, to build the library, type the command python3 build_ext at the root of the project.

You can specify, among other things, the following options:
  • --build-unittests to build the unit tests of the C++ extension.

  • --c-compiler to select the C compiler to use.

  • --cmake-args to pass additional arguments to CMake.

  • --code-coverage to enable coverage reporting on the C++ extension.

  • --cxx-compiler to select the C++ compiler to use.

  • --debug to compile the C++ library in Debug mode.

  • --generator to specify the generator to use with CMake.

  • --mkl to use MKL as BLAS library

  • --reconfigure to force CMake to reconfigure the project.

Run the python build_ext --help command to view all the options available for building the library.



Running tests require the following Python libraries:

Running tests

The distribution contains a set of test cases that can be processed with the standard Python test framework. To run the full test suite, use the following at the root of the project:

pytest -v -ra

Generating the test coverage report

C++ kernel library

To generate the unit test coverage report on the C++ extension, perform the following steps:

python build_ext --code-coverage --build-unittests
python gtest
genhtml coverage_cpp.lcov --output-directory htmllcov

The first command compiles the extension to generate a coverage mapping to allow code coverage analysis. The second command runs the C++ unit tests and generates the coverage report. The third command generates the associated HTML report with lcov. The generated report is available in the htmllcov directory located at the root of the project.


It’s not possible to generate this report on Windows.

Python library

To generate the unit test coverage report on the Python code, perform the following step:

pytest -v -ra --cov=pyinterp --cov-report=html

The HTML report is available in the htmlcov directory located at the root of the project.

Global coverage report

Is it possible to generate a global coverage report by combining the two previous reports? To do this, type the following command:

python build_ext --code-coverage --build-unittests
python build
python gtest
pytest -v -ra --cov=pyinterp --cov-report=lcov --measure-coverage
lcov --add-tracefile coverage_cpp.lcov --add-tracefile coverage.lcov --output-file merged_coverage.lcov
lcov -r merged_coverage.lcov "${CONDA_PREFIX}/*" "/usr/*" "*/third_party/*" --output-file filtered_merged_coverage.lcov
genhtml filtered_merged_coverage.lcov --output-directory htmllcov

The steps to generate a global coverage report are as follows:

  1. Compile the extension to generate a coverage mapping for code coverage analysis.

  2. Compile the Python extension.

  3. Run the C++ unit tests and generate the coverage report.

  4. Run the Python unit tests and generate the coverage report. The option --measure-coverage is used to reduce the number of data processed during the Python test, speeding up the process as the C++ extension is compiled without optimization.

  5. Merge the two coverage reports.

  6. Filter the coverage report to remove the system and third-party libraries.

  7. Generate the associated HTML report with lcov.

The generated report is available in the htmllcov directory located at the root of the project.

Automatic Documentation

Sphinx manages the source code of this documentation. It is possible to generate it to produce a local mini WEB site to read and navigate it. To do this, type the following command:

sphinx-build -b html docs/source docs/build


The documentation uses furo as HTML style. This package must be available before running the above command. You can install it with corda-forge or pip.


To install this library, type the command python3 -m pip install ..

To pass options to the build_ext command, use the --config-settings or -C option to pip. For instance, to compile the library with MKL as the BLAS library and using the Visual Studio 17 2022 generator, run the following command:

python3 -m pip install . -Cmkl=yes -Cgenerator="Visual Studio 17 2022"

The available options are a subset of the build_ext command options for use with pip to install the library:

  • c-compiler

  • cxx-compiler

  • generator

  • cmake-args

  • mkl


Only mkl option is a boolean option. The others are strings.