PyFES documentation

PyFES documentation#

This package is the fully revised version of the FES2022 distribution. A full description of the FES2022 tidal solution is given in the handbook and in the paper (Lyard et al. 2024).

The library uses a set of tidal components to predict the ocean tide at any location on the Earth. The source code provides an older version of the FES model (99), because it is significantly smaller than newer versions. Do not use it for scientific purposes. You can download the model from the AVISO website.


This new code is under development and it is designed to handle the new finite element grids of FES2022. It will become official at the end of this year. For now, we do not provide support for this new version.


  • Lyard, F. H., Carrere, L., Fouchet, E., Cancet, M., Greenberg, D., Dibarboure, G. and Picot, N.: FES2022 a step towards a SWOT-compliant tidal correction, in preparation, to be submitted to Ocean Sciences in 2024.

  • Lyard, F. H., Allain, D. J., Cancet, M., Carrère, L., and Picot, N.: FES2014 global ocean tide atlas: design and performance, Ocean Sci., 17, 615–649,, 2021.

  • Carrere L., F. Lyard, M. Cancet, A. Guillot, N. Picot: FES 2014, a new tidal model - Validation results and perspectives for improvements, presentation to ESA Living Planet Conference, Prague 2016.


When using FES2022, please mention: FES2022 was produced by LEGOS, NOVELTIS and CLS Ocean and Climate Division; the project was funded by CNES. It is distributed by AVISO, with support from CNES (
