EleFits  4.0.1
A modern C++ API on top of CFitsIO
Namespaces | Typedefs | Enumerations | Classes | Functions
Euclid::Fits Namespace Reference

Detailed Description

Wrapper classes to read and write Fits file contents.

There are two types of classes:

  1. Service classes offer read/write services:
    • File handlers (XxxFile classes) only store index and type of HDUs which have already been accessed.
    • HDU handlers (XxxHdu classes) only provide read/write services. When you access an HDU, you just access a set of services to read and write items in this HDU.
  2. Data classes – Record, Raster and Column – store data to be read and written.

The following naming conventions are adopted:


 Test-related classes and functions.


using VariantValue = boost::any
 The variant value type for records. More...
using RecordSeq = RecordVec< VariantValue >
 A sequence of records of any type.


enum  FileMode {
 Fits file read/write permissions. More...
enum  RecordMode {
 Record writing modes. More...


class  BintableColumns
 Column-wise reader-writer for the binary table data unit. More...
class  BintableHdu
 Binary table HDU reader-writer. More...
struct  ChecksumError
 Exception thrown if a checksum is missing or incorrect. More...
class  Column
 Binary table column data and metadata. More...
struct  ColumnInfo
 Column metadata, i.e. { name, unit, repeatCount } and the value type as the template parameter. More...
class  FileMemRegions
 Mapping between an in-file (Fits image data unit) region and an in-memory (raster) region for reading and writing image regions. More...
class  FileMemSegments
 Mapping between an in-file (Fits binary table data unit) segment and an in-memory (column) segment for reading and writing bintable segments. More...
class  FitsError
 Base of all exceptions thrown directly by the library. More...
class  FitsFile
 Fits file reader-writer. More...
class  Hdu
 Base class for ImageHdu and BintableHdu. More...
class  HduCategory
 An extensible HDU categorization for filtering and iteration. More...
class  HduFilter
 HDU filter built from HDU categories. More...
class  HduIterator
 Iterator for MefFile's HDUs. More...
class  HduSelector
 Helper class to provide filtered iterators. More...
class  Header
 Reader-writer for the header unit. More...
class  ImageHdu
 Image HDU reader-writer. More...
class  ImageRaster
 Reader-writer for the image data unit. More...
struct  Indexed
 An index and type. More...
class  KeywordCategory
 Keyword categories and related tools. More...
struct  KeywordExistsError
 Exception thrown when a keyword already exists. More...
struct  KeywordNotFoundError
 Exception thrown when a keyword is not found. More...
class  MefFile
 Multi-Extension Fits file reader-writer. More...
struct  Named
 A name and type. More...
class  OutOfBoundsError
 Exception thrown if a value lies out of given bounds. More...
struct  Position
 n-dimensional pixel position or image shape, i.e. set of integer coordinates. More...
class  PositionIterator
 A helper class to screen a Region. More...
class  ProgramOptions
 Helper class to declare positional and named options, and help message. More...
class  PtrColumn
 Column which references some external pointer data. More...
class  PtrRaster
 Raster of a n-dimensional image (2D by default). More...
class  Raster
 Raster of a n-dimensional image (2D by default). More...
class  ReadOnlyError
 Exception thrown if trying to write a read-only file. More...
struct  Record
 Keyword-value pair with optional unit and comment. More...
class  RecordVec
 A vector of records with find and conversion services. More...
struct  Region
 A n-D rectangle region, defined by its front and back positions (both inclusive), or front position and shape. More...
struct  Segment
 Bounds of a closed index interval. More...
class  SifFile
 Single image Fits file handler. More...
class  VecColumn
 Column which stores internally the data. More...
class  VecRaster
 Copy constructor. More...


template<typename T >
bool operator== (const ColumnInfo< T > &lhs, const ColumnInfo< T > &rhs)
 ColumnInfo equality operator.
template<typename T >
bool operator!= (const ColumnInfo< T > &lhs, const ColumnInfo< T > &rhs)
 ColumnInfo unequality operator.
template<typename TSeq >
constexpr bool isTuple ()
 Test whether a sequence is a tuple.
template<typename TReturn , typename TTuple >
TReturn tupleAs (TTuple &&tuple)
 Convert a tuple to a custom structure.
template<typename TTuple , typename TFunc >
constexpr decltype(auto) tupleApply (TTuple &&tuple, TFunc &&func)
 Apply a variadic function a tuple.
template<typename TSeq , typename TFunc >
std::enable_if_t< isTuple< TSeq >)> seqForeach (TSeq &&seq, TFunc &&func)
 Apply a void-returning function to each element of a sequence.
template<typename TSeq , typename TFunc >
std::enable_if_t< not isTuple< TSeq >)> seqForeach (const TSeq &seq, TFunc &&func)
 Apply a void-returning function to each element of a sequence. More...
template<typename TSeq , typename TFunc >
std::enable_if_t< not isTuple< TSeq >)> seqForeach (TSeq &seq, TFunc &&func)
 Apply a void-returning function to each element of a sequence. More...
template<typename TReturn , typename TSeq , typename TFunc >
std::enable_if_t< isTuple< TSeq >), TReturn > seqTransform (TSeq &&seq, TFunc &&func)
 Apply a transform to each element of a sequence and create a user-defined struct from the results.
template<typename TReturn , typename TSeq , typename TFunc >
std::enable_if_t< not isTuple< TSeq >), TReturn > seqTransform (const TSeq &seq, TFunc &&func)
 Apply a transform to each element of a sequence and create a user-defined struct from the results. More...
template<typename TLogger , typename T0 , typename... Ts>
void logArgs (TLogger &&logger, T0 &&arg0, Ts &&... args)
 Log a heterogeneous list of arguments. More...
HduFilter operator+ (HduCategory lhs, HduCategory rhs)
 Combine two accepted categories as a filter.
HduFilter operator- (HduCategory lhs, HduCategory rhs)
 Combine an accepted and rejected categories as a filter.
HduFilter operator+ (HduCategory rhs)
 Consider a category as a filter with only this category as the accepted category.
HduFilter operator- (HduCategory rhs)
 Consider a category as a filter with only this category as the rejected category.
template<long n = 2>
long shapeSize (const Position< n > &shape)
 Compute the number of pixels in a given shape.
template<long n = 2>
Position< n > & operator+= (Position< n > &lhs, const Position< n > &rhs)
 Add a position.
template<long n = 2>
Position< n > & operator-= (Position< n > &lhs, const Position< n > &rhs)
 Subtract a position.
template<long n = 2>
Position< n > & operator+= (Position< n > &lhs, long rhs)
 Add a scalar to each coordinate.
template<long n = 2>
Position< n > & operator-= (Position< n > &lhs, long rhs)
 Subtract a scalar to each coordinate.
template<long n = 2>
Position< n > & operator*= (Position< n > &lhs, long rhs)
 Multiply each coordinate by a scalar.
template<long n = 2>
Position< n > & operator/= (Position< n > &lhs, long rhs)
 Divide each coordinate by a scalar.
template<long n = 2>
Position< n > & operator++ (Position< n > &lhs)
 Add 1 to each coordinate.
template<long n = 2>
Position< n > & operator-- (Position< n > &lhs)
 Subtract 1 to each coordinate.
template<long n = 2>
Position< n > operator++ (Position< n > &lhs, int)
 Return the current position and then add 1 to each coordinate.
template<long n = 2>
Position< n > operator-- (Position< n > &lhs, int)
 Return the current position and then subtract 1 to each coordinate.
template<long n = 2>
Position< n > operator+ (const Position< n > &lhs)
template<long n = 2>
Position< n > operator- (const Position< n > &lhs)
 Change the sign of each coordinate.
template<long n = 2>
Position< n > operator+ (const Position< n > &lhs, const Position< n > &rhs)
 Add two positions.
template<long n = 2>
Position< n > operator- (const Position< n > &lhs, const Position< n > &rhs)
 Subtract two positions.
template<long n = 2>
Position< n > operator+ (const Position< n > &lhs, long rhs)
 Add a position and a scalar.
template<long n = 2>
Position< n > operator- (const Position< n > &lhs, long rhs)
 Subtract a position and a scalar.
template<long n = 2>
Position< n > operator* (const Position< n > &lhs, long rhs)
 Multiply a position by a scalar.
template<long n = 2>
Position< n > operator/ (const Position< n > &lhs, long rhs)
 Divide a position by a scalar.
template<typename T , typename... Longs>
PtrRaster< T, sizeof...(Longs)> makeRaster (T *data, Longs... shape)
 Shortcut to create a raster from a shape and data without specifying the template parameters. More...
template<typename T , typename... Longs>
VecRaster< T, sizeof...(Longs)> makeRaster (std::vector< T > data, Longs... shape)
 Shortcut to create a raster from a shape and data without specifying the template parameters. More...
template<typename T >
bool operator== (const Record< T > &lhs, const Record< T > &rhs)
 Check whether two records are equal. More...
template<typename T >
bool operator!= (const Record< T > &lhs, const Record< T > &rhs)
 Check whether two records are different.
template<long n = 2>
bool operator== (const Region< n > &lhs, const Region< n > &rhs)
 Check whether two regions are equal.
template<long n = 2>
bool operator!= (const Region< n > &lhs, const Region< n > &rhs)
 Check whether two regions are different.
template<long n = 2>
Region< n > & operator+= (Region< n > &lhs, const Position< n > &rhs)
 Add a position.
template<long n = 2>
Region< n > & operator-= (Region< n > &lhs, const Position< n > &rhs)
 Subtract a position.
template<long n = 2>
Region< n > & operator+= (Region< n > &lhs, long rhs)
 Add a scalar to each coordinate.
template<long n = 2>
Region< n > & operator-= (Region< n > &lhs, long rhs)
 Subtract a scalar to each coordinate.
template<long n = 2>
Region< n > & operator++ (Region< n > &lhs)
 Add 1 to each coordinate.
template<long n = 2>
Region< n > & operator-- (Region< n > &lhs)
 Subtract 1 to each coordinate.
template<long n = 2>
Region< n > operator++ (Region< n > &lhs, int)
 Return the current region and then add 1 to each coordinate.
template<long n = 2>
Region< n > operator-- (Region< n > &lhs, int)
 Return the current region and then subtract 1 to each coordinate.
template<long n = 2>
Region< n > operator+ (const Region< n > &rhs)
template<long n = 2>
Region< n > operator- (const Region< n > &rhs)
 Change the sign of each coordinate.
template<long n = 2>
Region< n > operator+ (const Region< n > &lhs, const Position< n > &rhs)
 Add a region and a positino.
template<long n = 2>
Region< n > operator- (const Region< n > &lhs, const Position< n > &rhs)
 Subtract a region and a position.
template<long n = 2>
Region< n > operator+ (const Region< n > &lhs, long rhs)
 Add a region and a scalar.
template<long n = 2>
Region< n > operator- (const Region< n > &lhs, long rhs)
 Subtract a region and a scalar.
template<typename TSeq >
long columnsRowCount (TSeq &&columns)
 The common number of rows of a sequence of columns. More...
template<long n>
FileMemRegions< n > makeMemRegion (const Region< n > &memoryRegion)
 Create a FileMemRegions with in-file position at origin.
template<long n>
FileMemRegions< n > makeMemRegion (const Position< n > &memoryPosition)
 Create a FileMemRegions with whole in-file region.
std::string version ()
 Version number of the EleFits project.
HduIterator begin (MefFile &f)
 Beginning of an iterator to loop over all HDUs as Hdus.
HduIterator end (MefFile &f)
 End of an iterator to loop over all HDUs as Hdus.
template<typename THdu = Hdu>
HduIterator< THdu > begin (HduSelector< THdu > &selector)
 Beginning of an iterator to loop over selected HDUs. More...
template<typename THdu = Hdu>
HduIterator< THdu > end (HduSelector< THdu > &selector)
 End of an iterator to loop over selected HDUs.
T move(T... args)
STL class.
PtrRaster< T, sizeof...(Longs)> makeRaster(T *data, Longs... shape)
Shortcut to create a raster from a shape and data without specifying the template parameters.
Definition: Raster.h:534
void logArgs(TLogger &&logger, T0 &&arg0, Ts &&... args)
Log a heterogeneous list of arguments.
Definition: DataUtils.h:279