EleFits  4.0.0
A modern C++ API on top of CFitsIO
Euclid::Cfitsio::HduAccess Namespace Reference

Detailed Description

HDU-related functions.

An HDU can be of two Types (ASCII tables are not supported):

Getter functions generally apply to the current HDU. Functions to go to an HDU return false if target HDU is already current HDU. Functions to create an HDU append it at the end of the file.


long count (fitsfile *fptr)
 Read the number of HDUs in a Fits file. More...
long currentIndex (fitsfile *fptr)
 Get the index of the current HDU.
std::string currentName (fitsfile *fptr)
 Get the name of the current HDU.
long currentVersion (fitsfile *fptr)
 Get the version of the current HDU.
Fits::HduCategory currentType (fitsfile *fptr)
 Get the type of the current HDU (either Image or Bintable). More...
bool currentIsPrimary (fitsfile *fptr)
 Check whether current HDU is the Primary HDU.
bool gotoIndex (fitsfile *fptr, long index)
 Go to an HDU specified by its index.
bool gotoName (fitsfile *fptr, const std::string &name, long version=0, Fits::HduCategory category=Fits::HduCategory::Any)
 Go to an HDU specified by its name. More...
bool gotoNext (fitsfile *fptr, long step=1)
 Go to an HDU specified by incrementing the index by a given amount.
bool gotoPrimary (fitsfile *fptr)
 Go to the Primary HDU.
bool initPrimary (fitsfile *fptr)
 Initialize the Primary HDU if not done.
bool updateName (fitsfile *fptr, const std::string &name)
 Write or update HDU name.
bool updateVersion (fitsfile *fptr, long version)
 Write or update HDU version.
void createMetadataExtension (fitsfile *fptr, const std::string &name)
 Create a new image HDU with empty data unit.
template<typename T , long n = 2>
void createImageExtension (fitsfile *fptr, const std::string &name, const Fits::Position< n > &shape)
 Create a new image HDU with given name, pixel type and shape.
template<typename T , long n = 2>
void createImageExtension (fitsfile *fptr, const std::string &name, const Fits::Raster< T, n > &raster)
 Write a Raster in a new image HDU.
template<typename... Ts>
void createBintableExtension (fitsfile *fptr, const std::string &name, const Fits::ColumnInfo< Ts > &... infos)
 Create a new binary table HDU with given name and column infos.
template<typename... Ts>
void createBintableExtension (fitsfile *fptr, const std::string &name, const Fits::Column< Ts > &... columns)
 Create a new binary table HDU with given name and columns.
template<typename Tuple , std::size_t size = std::tuple_size<Tuple>::value>
void createBintableExtension (fitsfile *fptr, const std::string &name, const Tuple &table)
 Create a new binary table HDU with given name and columns. More...
void deleteHdu (fitsfile *fptr, long index)
 Delete the HDU at given index.
Fits::HduCategory currentType(fitsfile *fptr)
Get the type of the current HDU (either Image or Bintable).