Using dataframes to explore data and make plots#
In this example we’ll see some ways to explore data that you can get from pygeodes and make plots
from pygeodes import Geodes
geodes = Geodes()
Searching items#
Let’s start by searching recent items in Africa :
from pygeodes.utils.datetime_utils import complete_datetime_from_str
date = complete_datetime_from_str("2024-07-20")
items, dataframe = geodes.search_items(
"spaceborne:continentsID": {"eq": "AF"},
"temporal:endDate": {"gte": date},
Found 7262 items matching your query, returning 500 as get_all parameter is set to False
500 item(s) found for query : {'spaceborne:continentsID': {'eq': 'AF'}, 'temporal:endDate': {'gte': '2024-07-20T00:00:00.000000Z'}}
Let’s add to our result dataframe the column spaceborne:cloudCover
from pygeodes.utils.formatting import format_items
dataframe = format_items(dataframe, {"spaceborne:cloudCover"})
Exploring data and adding colors in function of a parameter#
With numerical data#
Now we can explore our data on a map and add colors corresponding to cloud cover :
dataframe.explore(column="spaceborne:cloudCover", cmap="Blues")
Make this Notebook Trusted to load map: File -> Trust Notebook
With literal data#
It can also work with literal data, like spaceborne:productLevel
dataframe = format_items(dataframe, {"spaceborne:productLevel"})
dataframe.explore(column="spaceborne:productLevel", cmap="Dark2")
Make this Notebook Trusted to load map: File -> Trust Notebook
Plotting data#
You can also plot without the map canvas, for instance :
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
dataframe.plot(column="spaceborne:productLevel", legend=True)
<Axes: >
Or even plot without geometry, let’s see :
dataframe.plot(kind="hist", column="spaceborne:cloudCover", range=(0, 100))
<Axes: ylabel='Frequency'>
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