Source code for pygeodes.utils.request

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This module provides tools to make synchronous and asynchronous HTTP requests
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) 2024, CNES
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

import asyncio
import json
import time
import warnings
from time import perf_counter

# stdlib imports -------------------------------------------------------
from typing import Any, Dict, List
from urllib.parse import urljoin

import aiofiles
import aiohttp
import remotezip

# third-party imports -----------------------------------------------
import requests
import validators
from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter, Retry
from tqdm import tqdm
from tqdm.asyncio import tqdm as tqdm_async

from pygeodes.utils.consts import (
from pygeodes.utils.decorators import uses_session
from pygeodes.utils.exceptions import InvalidChecksumException
from import (

# local imports ---------------------------------------------------
from pygeodes.utils.logger import logger
from pygeodes.utils.profile import (

[docs]def make_params( page: int, query: dict, bbox: List[float] = None, intersects: dict = None, collections: List[str] = None, ): return { "page": page, "query": query, "limit": MAX_PAGE_SIZE, "bbox": bbox, "intersects": intersects, "collections": collections, }
[docs]def valid_url(url: str) -> bool: return validators.url(url)
[docs]def auth_headers(api_key: str): if api_key is None: return {} else: return {"X-API-Key": api_key}
[docs]def check_all_different(objects): ids = [ for obj in objects] unique = set(ids) return len(unique) == len(ids)
[docs]class RequestMaker:
[docs] def __init__(self, api_key: str, base_url: str): self.base_url = base_url self.api_key = api_key self.authorization_headers = auth_headers(self.api_key) self.get_headers = self.authorization_headers self.post_headers = { **self.authorization_headers, "Content-type": "application/json", } if file_exists(SSL_CERT_PATH, False): self.verify = SSL_CERT_PATH logger.debug(f"using ssl certif from {SSL_CERT_PATH}") else: self.verify = False logger.debug("using without ssl certif")
[docs] def get_full_url(self, endpoint: str) -> str: if not endpoint.startswith("http"): return urljoin(self.base_url, endpoint) else: return endpoint
[docs]class SyncRequestMaker(RequestMaker):
[docs] def open_session(self): retries = Retry( total=MAX_NB_RETRIES, backoff_factor=0.1, status_forcelist=[429, 500, 502, 503, 504], ) self.session = requests.Session() self.session.mount("https://", HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries))
[docs] def close_session(self): self.session.close()
[docs] @uses_session def download_file( self, endpoint: str, outfile: str, checksum: str, checksum_error: bool = True, verbose: bool = True, ): url = self.get_full_url(endpoint) outfile = find_unused_filename(outfile) name_for_same_file = check_if_folder_already_contains_file( outfile, checksum ) if name_for_same_file is not None: warnings.warn( f"trying to download content at {outfile} but file with same content already exists in the same folder at {name_for_same_file}, skipping download" ) return name_for_same_file with self.session.get( url, stream=True, verify=self.verify, headers=self.get_headers, ) as r: logger.debug(f"Download at {url} started") r.raise_for_status() if r.status_code == 429: raise Exception( f"Too many requests, your request quota is empty" ) total_size = int(r.headers.get("content-length", 0)) with open(outfile, "wb") as f: with tqdm( leave=False, total=total_size, unit="B", unit_scale=True, desc=f"downloading file", initial=0, disable=not verbose, ) as pbar: for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=DOWNLOAD_CHUNK_SIZE): f.write(chunk) pbar.update(len(chunk)) logger.debug(f"Download at {url} ended") md5 = compute_md5(outfile) logger.debug(f"Checking checksum of {outfile} : {checksum} == {md5} ?") if checksum != md5: message = f"MD5 Checksum for file {outfile} couldn't be verified" if checksum_error: raise InvalidChecksumException(message) else: logger.error(message) logger.debug(f"Download completed at {outfile}") if verbose: print(f"Download completed at {outfile}") return outfile
[docs] @uses_session def get( self, endpoint: str, headers: Dict[str, str] = None, ) -> Any: url = self.get_full_url(endpoint) logger.debug(f"making GET request to {url}") if not headers: headers = {} for attempt in range(MAX_NB_RETRIES): begin = perf_counter() response = self.session.get( url, headers={**headers, **self.authorization_headers}, stream=True, timeout=REQUESTS_TIMEOUT, verify=self.verify, ) end = perf_counter() logger.debug(f"request made in {end-begin} seconds") if response.ok: return response if response.status_code == 429: raise Exception( f"Too many requests, your request quota is empty" ) if attempt == MAX_NB_RETRIES - 1: response.raise_for_status() if response.reason == "Forbidden": raise Exception("Forbidden: Check your api_key") if attempt > 0: logger.warning("Attempt %s of %s", attempt + 1, MAX_NB_RETRIES) logger.debug("Waiting %s seconds", TIME_BEFORE_RETRY) time.sleep(TIME_BEFORE_RETRY) return None
[docs] @uses_session def post( self, endpoint: str, data: Dict[str, str], headers: Dict[str, str] = None, ) -> Any: url = self.get_full_url(endpoint) if not headers: headers = {} full_headers = {**headers, **self.post_headers} logger.debug( f"making POST request to {url} with headers = {full_headers} and {data=}" ) for attempt in range(MAX_NB_RETRIES): begin = perf_counter() response = url, headers=full_headers, stream=True, timeout=REQUESTS_TIMEOUT, data=json.dumps(data), verify=self.verify, ) end = perf_counter() logger.debug(f"request made in {end-begin} seconds") if response.ok: return response if response.status_code == 429: raise Exception( f"Too many requests, your request quota is empty" ) if attempt == MAX_NB_RETRIES - 1: response.raise_for_status() if response.reason == "Forbidden": raise Exception("Forbidden: Check your api_key") if attempt > 0: logger.warning("Attempt %s of %s", attempt + 1, MAX_NB_RETRIES) logger.debug("Waiting %s seconds", TIME_BEFORE_RETRY) time.sleep(TIME_BEFORE_RETRY) return None
[docs] @uses_session def list_files_in_archive(self, archive_url: str) -> List[str]: logger.debug(f"Starting to list files for {archive_url}") files = [] with remotezip.RemoteZip( archive_url, session=self.session, verify=self.verify, headers=self.authorization_headers, ) as zip: for zip_info in zip.infolist(): files.append(zip_info.filename) logger.debug(f"Ending to list files for {archive_url}") return files
[docs] @uses_session def extract_file_from_archive( self, archive_url: str, filename: str, download_dir: str ): logger.debug( f"Downloading file {filename} from archive {archive_url} in {download_dir}" ) with remotezip.RemoteZip( archive_url, session=self.session, verify=self.verify, headers=self.authorization_headers, ) as zip: zip.extract(filename, download_dir) logger.debug("Download ended")
[docs]class AsyncRequestMaker(RequestMaker):
[docs] def download_files( self, endpoints: List[str], outfiles: str, checksums: str, checksum_error: bool = True, ): if len(endpoints) != len(outfiles): raise Exception( f"endpoints ({len(endpoints)}) and outfiles ({len(outfiles)}) must have the same lengths" ) self.download_files_async(endpoints=endpoints, outfiles=outfiles) ) for outfile, checksum in zip(outfiles, checksums): md5 = compute_md5(outfile) logger.debug( f"Checking checksum of {outfile} : {checksum} == {md5} ?" ) if checksum != md5: message = ( f"MD5 Checksum for file {outfile} couldn't be verified" ) if checksum_error: raise InvalidChecksumException(message) else: logger.error(message) logger.debug(f"Download completed at {outfile}")
[docs] async def download_files_async(self, endpoints: List[str], outfiles: str): sem = asyncio.Semaphore(MAX_CONCURRENT_DOWNLOADS) async def fetch( session: aiohttp.ClientSession, endpoint: str, outfile: str, ): url = self.get_full_url(endpoint) download_for_profile = Download(url=url, destination=outfile) download_for_profile.start() load_profile_and_save_download(download_for_profile) async with sem: async with session.get( url, headers={**self.get_headers}, ssl=False, ) as response: if response.status == 200: async with, "wb") as f: async for chunk in response.content.iter_chunked( DOWNLOAD_CHUNK_SIZE ): await f.write(chunk) profile = Profile.load() download_for_profile = profile.get_download_from_uuid( download_for_profile._id ) download_for_profile.complete() async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: tasks = [ asyncio.ensure_future(fetch(session, endpoint, outfile)) for endpoint, outfile in zip(endpoints, outfiles) ] await tqdm_async.gather(*tasks, total=len(endpoints)) await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
[docs] def get(self, endpoints: List[str], headers: List[Dict[str, str]] = None): if headers is None: headers = [None for _ in range(len(endpoints))] responses = self.get_async(endpoints=endpoints, headers=headers) ) return responses
[docs] def post( self, endpoints: List[str], datas: List[Dict], headers: List[Dict[str, str]] = None, ): if len(endpoints) != len(datas): raise Exception( f"endpoints ({len(endpoints)}) and datas ({len(datas)}) must have the same lengths" ) if headers is None: headers = [None for _ in range(len(endpoints))] logger.debug(f"starting {len(endpoints)} async post requests") responses = self.post_async(endpoints=endpoints, headers=headers, datas=datas) ) return responses
[docs] async def control(self, response: aiohttp.ClientResponse): if not response.ok: raise ConnectionError( f"Couldn't make request to {response.url} ({response.status} - {response.reason})" ) else: return await response.json()
[docs] async def post_async( self, endpoints: List[str], headers: List[Dict[str, str]], datas: List[Dict], ): async def fetch( session: aiohttp.ClientSession, endpoint: str, headers: Dict[str, str], data: Dict, ): if headers is None: headers = {} logger.debug( f"making async post request to {endpoint} with {data=}" ) async with self.get_full_url(endpoint), headers={**headers, **self.post_headers}, data=json.dumps(data), ssl=False, ) as response: return await self.control(response) async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: tasks = [ asyncio.ensure_future(fetch(session, endpoint, _headers, data)) for endpoint, _headers, data in zip(endpoints, headers, datas) ] responses = await tqdm_async.gather(*tasks, total=len(endpoints)) await asyncio.sleep(0.2) return responses
[docs] async def get_async( self, endpoints: List[str], headers: List[Dict[str, str]] ): async def fetch( session: aiohttp.ClientSession, endpoint: str, headers: Dict[str, str], ): if headers is None: headers = {} async with session.get( self.get_full_url(endpoint), headers={**headers, **self.get_headers}, ) as response: return await self.control(response) async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: tasks = [ asyncio.ensure_future(fetch(session, endpoint, _headers)) for endpoint, _headers in zip(endpoints, headers) ] responses = await tqdm_async.gather(*tasks, total=len(endpoints)) await asyncio.sleep(0.2) return responses