Source code for pygeodes.utils.profile

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This module contains all things related to download monitoring and download queues in pygeodes
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) 2024, CNES
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

import os
import warnings

# stdlib imports -------------------------------------------------------
from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from pathlib import Path
from time import sleep
from typing import List, Literal
from uuid import uuid4

# third-party imports -----------------------------------------------
from import Live
from rich.table import Table
from tqdm import tqdm

from pygeodes.utils.consts import PROFILE_DEFAULT_PATH
from pygeodes.utils.dataclasses_utils import class_from_args
from pygeodes.utils.datetime_utils import (
from import correct_download_tld

# local imports ---------------------------------------------------
from import compute_md5, file_exists, load_json, write_json
from pygeodes.utils.logger import logger
from pygeodes.utils.s3 import download_item as download_item_from_s3
from pygeodes.utils.stac import Item

[docs]@dataclass class Download: """This class represents a pending, current or finished Geodes download""" url: str destination: str = None _started_at: str = None _completed_at: str = None _id: str = None def __post_init__(self): """This function is executed after instanciating a Download objects and corrects some behaviors""" if self._id is None: self._id = str(uuid4()) if self.destination: self.destination = str(self.destination) if type(self._started_at) is datetime: self._started_at = datetime_to_str(self._started_at) if type(self._completed_at) is datetime: self._completed_at = datetime_to_str(self._completed_at)
[docs] def start(self): """This method starts the download (sets _started_at to now)""" if self._started_at is None: self._started_at = datetime_to_str(
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, dico: dict): """This function creates a Download object from a dictionnary Parameters ---------- dico : dict a dictionnary representing a Download object """ return class_from_args(cls, dico)
@property def started_at(self): """This returns _started_at as a datetime object Returns ------- datetime started_at """ if self._started_at is not None: return str_to_datetime(self._started_at) else: return None @property def completed_at(self): """This returns _completed_at as a datetime object Returns ------- datetime completed_at """ if self._completed_at is not None: return str_to_datetime(self._completed_at) else: return None @property def time_taken(self): """This returns the time taken to download if the download is completed Returns ------- datetime the time taken """ if not self.completed_at: return None else: return self.completed_at - self.started_at def to_dict(self): dico = asdict(self) dico["destination"] = str(dico["destination"]) return dico
[docs] def complete(self): """This sets the _completed_at attr to now""" self._completed_at = datetime_to_str(
def __eq__(self, obj): return obj._id == self._id def __hash__(self): return hash(self._id)
[docs]class Profile: _filepath = PROFILE_DEFAULT_PATH
[docs] def __init__(self): self.downloads = {}
def get_download_from_uuid(self, uuid): return self.downloads.get(uuid) @classmethod def reset(cls): if file_exists(cls._filepath, False): os.remove(cls._filepath) @classmethod def load(cls): if not file_exists(cls._filepath, False): write_json({"downloads": {}}, cls._filepath) content = load_json(cls._filepath) obj = cls() obj.downloads = { key: Download.from_dict(value) for key, value in content.get("downloads").items() } return obj def add_download(self, download: Download): self.downloads[download._id] = download @property def nb_downloads(self): return len(self.downloads) @classmethod def watch_downloads(cls, refresh_rate: float = 5, simplified: bool = False): try: if simplified: while True: profile = Profile.load() current_downloads = profile.current_downloads() pending_downloads = profile.pending_downloads() print( f"[{}] Current downloads : {len(current_downloads)} | Pending downloads : {len(pending_downloads)}" ) sleep(refresh_rate) else: started = def create_table(): table = Table( caption=f"[bold orange1]Current[/bold orange1], [bold red]pending[/bold red] and [bold green]just finished downloads[/bold green] (refreshing every {refresh_rate} seconds, started watching {time_ago(started)})", expand=True, show_lines=True, ) table.add_column("Download ID") table.add_column("URL") table.add_column("Destination") table.add_column("Started at") table.add_column("Completed at") return table with Live( create_table(), refresh_per_second=refresh_rate ) as live: while True: table = create_table() profile = cls.load() pending_downloads = profile.pending_downloads() current_downloads = profile.current_downloads() just_finished = profile.just_finished_downloads( nb_seconds=refresh_rate * 2 ) # times two to be sure we get to see the finished downloads for download in just_finished: elements = [ download._id, download.url, download.destination, f"{str(download.started_at)} ({time_ago(download.started_at)})", f"{str(download.completed_at)} ({time_ago(download.completed_at)})", ] elements = [ f"[green]{element}" for element in elements ] table.add_row(*elements) for download in current_downloads: elements = [ download._id, download.url, download.destination, f"{str(download.started_at)} ({time_ago(download.started_at)})", "", ] elements = [ f"[orange1]{element}" for element in elements ] table.add_row(*elements) for download in pending_downloads: elements = [ download._id, download.url, download.destination, "", "", ] elements = [ f"[red]{element}" for element in elements ] table.add_row(*elements) live.update(table) sleep(refresh_rate) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Download watching interrupted") def current_downloads(self): return { download for download in self.downloads.values() if download.completed_at is None and download.started_at is not None } def pending_downloads(self): return { download for download in self.downloads.values() if download.started_at is None } def just_finished_downloads(self, nb_seconds): if nb_seconds < 1: nb_seconds = 1 def is_recent(date): now = end = now begin = now - timedelta(seconds=nb_seconds) return begin <= date <= end finished = { download for download in self.downloads.values() if download.completed_at is not None } return { download for download in finished if is_recent(download.completed_at) } def recent_downloads(self, since: Literal["today", "this_week"] = "today"): if since == "today": begin, end = today() elif since == "this_week": begin = a_week_ago() end = else: raise Exception( f"Please use one of 'today','this_week' as 'since' parameter" ) def is_in_interval(obj): if obj.completed_at: return ( begin <= obj.completed_at <= end or begin <= obj.started_at <= end ) else: return begin <= obj.started_at <= end print(f"Displaying downloads from {begin} to {end}") return [ download for download in self.downloads.values() if is_in_interval(download) ] def to_dict(self): dico = {} dico["nb_downloads"] = self.nb_downloads dico["downloads"] = { key: value.to_dict() for key, value in self.downloads.items() } return dico def save(self): logger.debug(f"saving profile as {self.to_dict()}") write_json(self.to_dict(), self._filepath)
[docs]def load_profile_and_save_download(d: Download): profile = Profile.load() profile.add_download(d)
[docs]class DownloadQueue:
[docs] def __init__(self, items: List[Item], download_dir: str = None): self.items = items self.downloads_objects = {} from pygeodes.geodes import Geodes self.geodes_instance = Geodes.get_last_instance() if download_dir: self.download_dir = download_dir else: self.download_dir = self.geodes_instance.conf.download_dir
def _download_item(self, item: Item): download_for_profile = self.downloads_objects[item] outfile = str(Path(self.download_dir).joinpath(item.data_asset.title)) download_for_profile.destination = outfile if self.geodes_instance.s3_client is not None: download_for_profile.url = item.find("accessService:endpointURL") download_for_profile.start() load_profile_and_save_download(download_for_profile) outfile_really_used = download_item_from_s3( self.geodes_instance.s3_client, item, outfile=outfile ) else: download_url = correct_download_tld( item.data_asset.href ) # temp as top level domains aren't ok download_for_profile.url = download_url download_for_profile.start() load_profile_and_save_download(download_for_profile) outfile_really_used = self.geodes_instance.request_maker.download_file( # because outfile may change if already used or sth like that download_url, outfile, checksum=item.data_asset_checksum, checksum_error=self.geodes_instance.conf.checksum_error, verbose=False, ) profile = Profile.load() download_for_profile = profile.get_download_from_uuid( download_for_profile._id ) download_for_profile.destination = outfile_really_used self.downloads_objects[item] = download_for_profile download_for_profile.complete() def _init_downloads(self): if len(self.downloads_objects) == 0: profile = Profile.load() for item in self.items: d = Download( url=item.data_asset.href, destination=None, _started_at=None ) self.downloads_objects[item] = d profile.add_download(d) def check_integrity(self): for item, download in self.downloads_objects.items(): if download.completed_at is not None: checksum = item.data_asset.checksum if file_exists(download.destination, False): checksum_at_destination = compute_md5(download.destination) if checksum != checksum_at_destination: warnings.warn( f"File for item {item} doesn't correspond to checksum" ) else: warnings.warn( f"File is absent at destination for item {item}" ) else: warnings.warn(f"Download for item {item} was not completed") def run(self): self._init_downloads() downloads = self.downloads_objects.values() if all([value.completed_at is not None for value in downloads]): print(f"All downloads are completed in {self.download_dir}") return completed = [ download for download in downloads if download.completed_at is not None ] pending = [ download for download in downloads if download.completed_at is None and download.started_at is None ] print( f"Queue (started {}) | Completed : {len(completed)} | Pending : {len(pending)}" ) for item in tqdm(self.items): obj = self.downloads_objects[item] if obj.completed_at is None: if ( obj.started_at is not None and obj.destination is not None ): # was started but not completed, file is not complete, so we start again if file_exists(obj.destination, False): os.remove(obj.destination) self._download_item(item)