Source code for pygeodes.utils.formatting

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This module deals with all things related to formatting items or collections"""
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# Copyright (c) 2024, CNES
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import json
import warnings

# stdlib imports -------------------------------------------------------
from typing import List, Union

# third-party imports -----------------------------------------------
import geopandas as pd
from shapely.geometry import shape

from pygeodes.utils.consts import (
from import write_json

# local imports ---------------------------------------------------
from pygeodes.utils.stac import Collection, Item

[docs]def get_from_dico_path( path: str, dico: dict ): # maybe this function could be removed and replaced by a system using jsonpath-ng : """This functions gets a value from a dictionnary using a system of dotted path Parameters ---------- path : str the dictionnary path dico : dict the dictionnary Examples -------- .. code-block:: python dico = {"properties" : {"property_one" : 4}} value = get_from_dico_path("properties.property_one",dico) # returns 4 Returns ------- Any the value at path, or None if not found """ if (from_dico := dico.get(path)) is not None: return from_dico components = path.split(".") current_obj = dico for component in components: if current_obj is None: return None current_obj = current_obj.get(component) return current_obj
[docs]def format_collections( collections: Union[List[Collection], pd.GeoDataFrame], columns_to_add: Union[set, List] = None, ) -> pd.GeoDataFrame: """This functions format a list of collections, or a ``GeoDataFrame`` by adding columns by name Parameters ---------- collections : Union[List[Collection], pd.GeoDataFrame] the list of collections to transform into a dataframe or ``GeoDataFrame`` to add columns to columns_to_add : Union[set, List], optional the columns to add, by default None Returns ------- pd.GeoDataFrame the new dataframe """ columns_to_keep = COLUMNS_TO_KEEP_FORMATTING_COLLECTIONS # par défaut if len(collections) == 0: return None if columns_to_add is not None: if len(columns_to_add) > 0: columns_to_add = set(columns_to_add) columns_to_keep = columns_to_keep.union(columns_to_add) if type(collections) is list: df = pd.GeoDataFrame() # we turn a list of collections into a dataframe else: df = collections # we add columns to an already made dataframe collections = df["collection"].values for column_to_keep in columns_to_keep: if column_to_keep == "dataType": column_to_keep = "id" # because dataType is equivalent to id but dataType doesn't exist in json values = [col.find(column_to_keep) for col in collections] if all([value is None for value in values]): warnings.warn( f"Not adding column {column_to_keep} as no values were found, please be sure it's an existing column" ) else: df[column_to_keep] = values df["collection"] = collections return df
[docs]def format_items( items: Union[List[Item], pd.GeoDataFrame], columns_to_add: Union[set, List] = None, ) -> pd.GeoDataFrame: """This functions format a list of items, or a ``GeoDataFrame`` by adding columns by name Parameters ---------- items : Union[List[Item], pd.GeoDataFrame] the list of items to transform into a dataframe or ``GeoDataFrame`` to add columns to columns_to_add : Union[set, List], optional the columns to add, by default None Returns ------- pd.GeoDataFrame the new dataframe """ columns_to_keep = COLUMNS_TO_KEEP_FORMATTING_ITEMS # par défaut if len(items) == 0: return None if columns_to_add is not None: if len(columns_to_add) > 0: columns_to_add = set(columns_to_add) columns_to_keep = columns_to_keep.union(columns_to_add) if type(items) is list: df = pd.GeoDataFrame() else: df = items items = df["item"].values for column_to_keep in columns_to_keep: values = [item.find(column_to_keep) for item in items] if all([value is None for value in values]): warnings.warn( f"Not adding column {column_to_keep} as no values were found, please be sure it's an existing column" ) else: df[column_to_keep] = values df["item"] = items df.set_geometry([shape(item.geometry) for item in items], inplace=True) df.set_crs(epsg=GEOPANDAS_DEFAULT_EPSG, inplace=True) # to use explore return df
[docs]def export_dataframe(dataframe: pd.GeoDataFrame, outfile: str) -> None: """This functions exports a ``pd.GeoDataFrame`` in a file Parameters ---------- dataframe : pd.GeoDataFrame the dataframe outfile : str the filepath See Also -------- load_dataframe : to load a dataframe from a file """ write_json(json.loads(dataframe.to_json()), outfile)
[docs]def load_dataframe(filepath: str): """This function loads a ``pd.GeoDataFrame`` from a file Parameters ---------- filepath : str the file Returns ------- pd.GeoDataFrame the dataframe See Also -------- export_dataframe : to export a dataframe into a file """ from pygeodes.utils.stac import Collection, Item df = pd.GeoDataFrame.from_file(filepath) if "item" in df.columns: df["item"] = [Item.from_dict(item) for item in df["item"].values] elif "collection" in df.columns: df["collection"] = [ Collection.from_dict(col) for col in df["collection"].values ] return df