Source code for pygeodes.utils.config

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This module allows users to configure pygeodes"""
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) 2024, CNES
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# stdlib imports -------------------------------------------------------
import sys
import warnings
from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass, fields
from pathlib import Path, PosixPath
from typing import Literal

from pygeodes.utils.consts import (
from pygeodes.utils.dataclasses_utils import class_from_args
from pygeodes.utils.exceptions import MissingConfParamException

# local imports ---------------------------------------------------
from import file_exists, load_json
from pygeodes.utils.logger import logger

# third-party imports -----------------------------------------------

[docs]def notebook_environment() -> bool: """Checks if pygeodes is being used in a notebook environment or not Returns ------- bool wether we are in a notebook or not """ return "ipykernel" in sys.modules
[docs]@dataclass class Config: """This class helps the user configuring Geodes""" api_key: str = None # api_key not always required logging_level: Literal["DEBUG", "INFO"] = DEFAULT_LOGGING_LEVEL download_dir: str = "." checksum_error: bool = True use_async_requests: bool = True aws_access_key_id: str = None aws_secret_access_key: str = None aws_session_token: str = None # ajouter profil à la place region_name: str = DEFAULT_S3_REGION_NAME @property def s3_parameters(self) -> dict: """Returns all the conf params related to AWS S3 Returns ------- dict the parameters """ members_names = [ "aws_access_key_id", "aws_secret_access_key", "aws_session_token", "region_name", ] return {name: getattr(self, name) for name in members_names}
[docs] def has_s3_parameters(self) -> bool: """Returns wether the conf object has s3 parameters with not-None values Returns ------- bool wether the conf has S3 parameters """ params = self.s3_parameters for member_name, value in params.items(): if value is None: return False return True
[docs] def check_s3_config(self): """Checks if the current conf has s3 parameters Raises ------ MissingConfParamException """ params = self.s3_parameters for member_name, value in params.items(): if value is None: raise MissingConfParamException( f"To use S3 you need to specify these conf parameters : {', '.join(list(params.keys()))} ({member_name} is None)" )
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> dict: """Returns the config in Python dict format Returns ------- dict the config in dict """ return { k: str(v) if isinstance(v, PosixPath) else v for k, v in asdict(self).items() }
def __post_init__(self): """This is executed after creating a Config object, to correct somethings""" if self.download_dir is not None: self.download_dir = str(Path(self.download_dir).resolve()) # to deactivate async requests if we are in a notebook environment if notebook_environment(): self.use_async_requests = False @property def has_api_key(self) -> bool: """Returns wether the current config has an api key Returns ------- bool Returns wether the current config has an api key """ return self.api_key is not None @classmethod def _check_config_file(cls, content: dict, filepath: str): """Opens a filepath to check if its content is suited to load a conf from Parameters ---------- content : dict the content of the file filepath : str the filepath of the file """ cls_fields = set([ for f in fields(cls) if f.init]) content_fields = set(content.keys()) if len(content_fields) > len(cls_fields): useless_keys = content_fields - cls_fields warnings.warn( f"Config file {filepath} contains useless keys ({', '.join(list(useless_keys))})" ) @classmethod def _read_info_from_file(cls, file: str): """Reads info from a JSON filepath and returns a Config Parameters ---------- file : str the JSON filepath Returns ------- Config the config object returned """ content = load_json(file) cls._check_config_file(content, file) logger.debug(f"Loaded conf from file {file}") return class_from_args(Config, content)
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, file: str = CONFIG_DEFAULT_FILENAME): """Checks if a filepath exists and reads info from a it and returns a Config Parameters ---------- file : str, optional the filepath, by default CONFIG_DEFAULT_FILENAME Returns ------- Config the config object """ if file_exists(file, True): return cls._read_info_from_file(file)