This GO API represents all MAL concepts, especially the interaction patterns, the MAL message format and the data model. The main goal of this API is to offer a simple and efficient API that makes full use of GO features.
Most concepts of MAL/GO API are imposed by the MAL specification:
- Message: MAL Message definition.
- Data types: Element, Attribute, standard attributes, Composite, base composites and List of these elements.
- Access Control: Access control and security aspects.
- Encoding: Encoding API.
- Transport: Transport API.
However, the MAL specification does not define some concepts that are specific to this implementation:
- Context: MAL communication context.
- End-Point: Base entity allowing to send and receive MAL messages.
- Operation: Entity formalizing consumer’s request to providers. Each MAL interaction corresponds to a specific operation.
- Handler, Service: Entities formalizing provider’s replies to requests. In the first case the behavior of the provider is defined by a unique method (handler), while in the second case it is defined through an interface (service)
Overview of the MAL/GO implementation
The MAL/GO implementation shall comprise the following levels:
- the generic API used by every MAL clients;
- the data structures and related interfaces;
- the service consumer API;
- the service provider API;
- the broker API.
The MAL/GO implementation consists of several modules:
- mal: Defines the generic low level MAL API allowing the use of MAL level core concepts. It defines MAL data structures.
- mal/encoding: Implements the encoding APIs for each encoding format, currently Binary, FixedBinary and SplitBinary.
- mal/transport: Manages the mapping of MAL concepts to the underlying concepts of transport chosen. Currently two transport are implemented, a local InVM transport and the MAL/TCP standard.
- mal/api: Implements a high level API simplifying the implementation of consumer, provider and broker. It offers the concepts of Operation (consumer side) and Handler (provider and broker side) to handle complex MAL interactions.
MAL data types
The MAL Element is the base type of all data constructs, all types are derived from it. The Element GO interface represents this MAL Element type, it defines the base interface allowing to encode (resp. decode) each data type.
The MAL Attribute is the base type of all attributes of the MAL data model. Attributes are contained within Composites and are used to build complex structures that make the data model. The Attribute Go interface represents this MAL Attribute type, all GO types defining a MAL attribute inherits from this type. All MAL attributes except Time and FineTime are represented by GO base types.
The MAL Composite is the base structure for composite structures that contain a set of elements. The Composite GO interface represents this structure, all GO types defining a MAL Composite inherits from this type.
For each GO interface or structure, named X, defining a MAL Element, a XList type shall be defined to handle MAL list of this element.
All data types defined in the MAL standard and the corresponding list are defined in the MAL/GO API.
MAL message
The Message GO structure represents the MAL Message. It defines all header data fields, the body is handled as a byte array (encoded representation of this message body). The encoding of the message to (resp. from) the Protocol Data Unit (PDU) is the responsibility of the transport implementation.
MAL context
The Context GO structure is the base entity enabling a client to use the communication functions provided by the MAL layer. Normally it is not be used as is but through the EndPoint structure or the high level API. However you can send MAL messages using the Context.Send method, and receive MAL Message registering a Listener.
###Initialization and configuration
A MAL context is created and initialized from a call to NewContext function. This function takes in parameter the URI of this context, the corresponding transport will be instantiated and initialized through a factory using this URI (this transport factory needs to be first registered).
func NewContext(url string) (*Context, error)
Note: Register a transport factory only needs to import for side effect the corresponding package in your program.
There are 2 methods allowing to configure a MAL context:
- SetAccessControl allows to set the Access Control component that checks all incoming and outgoing messages.
- SetErrorChannel allows to set the GO channel for error messages (incoming and outgoing).
func (ctx *Context) SetAccessControl(achdlr AccessControl)
func (ctx *Context) SetErrorChannel(errch chan *MessageError)
Messages sending
The Context defines the Send request method to transmit a message through the transport component.
func (ctx *Context) Send(msg *Message) error
Messages reception
The Context defines the Receive indication method to handle incoming messages from the transport component. All incoming messages are pushed in the internal channel if the security check is ok. Then they can be delivered to registered listeners.
func (ctx *Context) Receive(msg *Message) error
The Context defines method to register (resp. unregister) End-Points, an End-Point is a message listener associated with a specific MAL URI. After registration all messages sent to the corresponding URI are delivered to the End-Point through the onMessage method of its Listener interface. The GetEndPoint method allows to retrieve the End-Point associated with a specific URI.
func (ctx *Context) GetEndPoint(uri *URI) (Listener, error)
func (ctx *Context) RegisterEndPoint(uri *URI, listener Listener) error
func (ctx *Context) UnregisterEndPoint(uri *URI) error
Access control
Message error
MAL end-point
The EndPoint defines a generic implementation of the Listener interface, it is the base entity allowing to send and receive MAL Messages. It defines a method to send messages EndPoint.Send, a blocking method to receive messages EndPoint.Receive, and a method to close and unregister the end-point EndPoint.Close. The construction of each MAL message shall be done manually.
Each end-point handles an atomic counter allowing to generates the appropriate MAL TransactionId using the EndPoint.TransactionId method. A end-point is created by using the NewEndPoint function.
func NewEndPoint(ctx *Context, service string, ch chan *Message) (*EndPoint, error) {
func (endpoint *EndPoint) TransactionId() ULong
func (endpoint *EndPoint) Send(msg *Message) error
func (endpoint *EndPoint) Recv() (*Message, error)
func (endpoint *EndPoint) Close() error
MAL client context
The ClientContext entity is the entry point of the high level API. It corresponds to a unique MAL URI and is registered as an end-point with the underlying MAL context. The ClientContext entity manages the MAL TransactionId. It allows providers to register handlers to process consumer’s requests. It allows consumers to create operations to initiate and manage interaction with providers.
Initialization and configuration
A ClientContext is created and initialized from a call to NewClientContext function (package This function takes in parameter the underlying MAL context, and the name of the service (last part of the MAL URI for the corresponding end-point).
func NewClientContext(ctx *Context, service string) (*ClientContext, error)
After creation the client context can be configured through a set of primitives allowing to fix various MAL message attributes:
func (cctx *ClientContext) SetAuthenticationId(AuthenticationId Blob) *ClientContext
func (cctx *ClientContext) SetEncodingId(EncodingId UOctet) *ClientContext
func (cctx *ClientContext) SetQoSLevel(QoSLevel QoSLevel) *ClientContext
func (cctx *ClientContext) SetPriority(Priority UInteger) *ClientContext
func (cctx *ClientContext) SetDomain(Domain IdentifierList) *ClientContext
func (cctx *ClientContext) SetNetworkZone(NetworkZone Identifier) *ClientContext
func (cctx *ClientContext) SetSession(Session SessionType) *ClientContext
func (cctx *ClientContext) SetSessionName(SessionName Identifier) *ClientContext
ClientContext concurrency
By default handling of incoming messages is done by the thread of underlying MAL Context. This feature ensures the order of message processing, however such behavior can lead to deadlocks in case of nested calls (direct or indirect). When the Concurrency attribute is set each message processing is executed in a separate goroutine. It is then the responsibility of the supplier to ensure the synchronization and the order of processing of requests.
func (cctx *ClientContext) SetConcurrency(multi bool) *ClientContext
Registering provider’s handler
The ClientContext entity defines a set of 6 methods allowing providers to register handlers to process consumer’s requests. Each method is dedicated to a particular MAL interaction. When invoked the corresponding handler receives in parameter a Transaction entity corresponding to the interaction. This entity provides methods to handle the interaction.
- RegisterSendHandler allows to register an handler for a Send interaction. When called the handler function receives a SendTransaction parameter with no method.
- RegisterSubmitHandler allows to register an handler for a Submit interaction. When called the handler function receives a SubmitTransaction parameter that provides an Ack method allowing to acknowledge the consumer.
- RegisterRequestHandler allows to register an handler for a Request interaction. When called the handler function receives a RequestTransaction parameter that provides an Reply method allowing to reply to the consumer.
- RegisterInvokeHandler allows to register an handler for a Invoke interaction. When called the handler function receives an InvokeTransaction parameter that provides 2 methods. The Ack method to acknowledge the the incoming message, and the Reply method to reply to the consumer.
- RegisterProgressHandler allows to register an handler for a progress interaction. When called the handler function receives a SendTransaction parameter that provides 3 methods. The Ack method to acknowledge the the incoming message, the Update method to send updates and the Reply method to reply to the consumer.
- RegisterBrokerHandler allows to register an handler for a PubSub interaction. When called the handler function receives either a SubscriberTransaction or a PublisherTransaction. If the interaction comes from the subscriber the transaction parameter is a SubscriberTransaction, it allows to acknowledge REGISTER or DEREGISTER messages, and to send NOTIFY to subscriber.If the interaction comes from the publisher the transaction parameter is a PublisherTransaction, it allows to acknowledge PUBLISH_REGISTER or PUBLISH_DEREGISTER messages.
The definition of handler interface is:
type ProviderHandler func(*Message, Transaction) error
// Register an handler for Send interaction
func (cctx *ClientContext) RegisterSendHandler(area UShort, areaVersion UOctet, service UShort, operation UShort, handler ProviderHandler) error
// Register an handler for Submit interaction
func (cctx *ClientContext) RegisterSubmitHandler(area UShort, areaVersion UOctet, service UShort, operation UShort, handler ProviderHandler) error
// Register an handler for Request interaction
func (cctx *ClientContext) RegisterRequestHandler(area UShort, areaVersion UOctet, service UShort, operation UShort, handler ProviderHandler) error
// Register an handler for Invoke interaction
func (cctx *ClientContext) RegisterInvokeHandler(area UShort, areaVersion UOctet, service UShort, operation UShort, handler ProviderHandler) error
// Register an handler for progress interaction
func (cctx *ClientContext) RegisterProgressHandler(area UShort, areaVersion UOctet, service UShort, operation UShort, handler ProviderHandler) error
// Register an handler for PubSub interaction
func (cctx *ClientContext) RegisterBrokerHandler(area UShort, areaVersion UOctet, service UShort, operation UShort, handler ProviderHandler) error
The definition of transactions entities are:
type Transaction interface {
getTid() ULong
// MAL Send interaction
type SendTransaction interface {
// MAL Submit interaction
type SubmitTransaction interface {
Ack(body []byte, isError bool) error
// MAL Request interaction
type RequestTransaction interface {
Reply(body []byte, isError bool) error
// MAL Invoke interaction
type InvokeTransaction interface {
Ack(body []byte, isError bool) error
Reply(body []byte, isError bool) error
// MAL Progress interaction
type ProgressTransaction interface {
Ack(body []byte, isError bool) error
Update(body []byte, isError bool) error
Reply(body []byte, isError bool) error
// MAL Pub/Sub interaction
type BrokerTransaction interface {
AckRegister(body []byte, isError bool) error
AckDeregister(body []byte, isError bool) error
// SubscriberTransaction
type SubscriberTransaction interface {
Notify(body []byte, isError bool) error
// PublisherTransaction
type PublisherTransaction interface {
Handling errors in provider’s handler
The body of an error message must consist of an error number followed by extra information. Each service specification must define which error numbers may be returned for a given operation and the nature of the additional information (possibly missing). Depending on the operation being processed, you must encode the error message according to the information described in the specification. Then at the API level, you must use the transaction’s method that corresponds to your current interaction (Ack, Reply, Update, etc.) to send this message and specify that it is an error using the isError parameter (set to true).
Creating consumer’s operation
The ClientContext entity defines a set of 7 methods allowing consumers to create entities to request providers. Each created entity encapsulates the resources needed to enable a MAL consumer to initiate and manage interactions with a MAL provider or broker.
- NewSendOperation creates an operation entity allowing a consumer to request a provider with a SEND. It returns a SendOperation entity that define a Send method allowing to request the provider with the SEND message. This method returns when the message is sent.
- NewSubmitOperation creates an operation entity allowing a consumer to request a provider with a SUBMIT. It returns a SubmitOperation entity that define a Submit method to request the provider with the SUBMIT message. This method returns when the acknowledge from provider is received.
- NewRequestOperation creates an operation entity allowing a consumer to request a provider with a REQUEST. It returns a RequestOperation entity that define a Request method allowing to request the provider with the REQUEST message. This method returns the RESPONSE message from provider.
- NewInvokeOperation creates an operation entity allowing a consumer to request a provider with a INVOKE. It returns an InvokeOperation entity that define an Invoke method allowing to request the provider with the INVOKE message. This method returns when the acknowledge from provider is received. The operation also defines a GetResponse method to wait the RESPONSE message from the provider.
- NewProgressOperation creates an operation entity allowing a consumer to request a provider with a PROGRESS. It returns an InvokeOperation entity
that define a Progress method allowing to request the provider with the PROGRESS message. This method returns when the acknowledge from provider is
received. The operation define also 2 other methods:
- the getUpdate method returns the UPDATE messages from the provider or nil if there is no other updates.
- the getResponse method returns the RESPONSE message from the provider. If there is remaining updates to deliver to the consumer they are deleted.
- NewSubscriberOperation creates an operation entity allowing a subscriber to interact with a broker, it returns a SubscriberOperation entity
that define 3 methods:
- the register method allows to send a REGISTER message to the broker.
- the getNotify method allows to retrieve the NOTIFY message sent by the broker.
- the deregister method allows to send a DEREGISTER message to the broker.
- NewPublisherOperation creates an operation entity allowing a publisher to interact with a broker, it returns a PublisherOperation entity
that define 3 methods:
- the register method allows to send a PUBLISH_REGISTER message to the broker.
- the publish method allows to send a PUBLISH message to the broker.
- the deregister method allows to send a PUBLISH_DEREGISTER message to the broker.
Additionally all Operation entities provide a Close method and a Reset method. The Reset method allows to reuse the operation after its completion.
The interface of ClientContext is:
func NewClientContext(ctx *Context, service string) (*ClientContext, error)
func (cctx *ClientContext) TransactionId() ULong
func (cctx *ClientContext) NewSendOperation(urito *URI,
area UShort, areaVersion UOctet, service UShort, operation UShort) SendOperation
func (cctx *ClientContext) NewSubmitOperation(urito *URI,
area UShort, areaVersion UOctet, service UShort, operation UShort) SubmitOperation
func (cctx *ClientContext) NewRequestOperation(urito *URI,
area UShort, areaVersion UOctet, service UShort, operation UShort) RequestOperation
func (cctx *ClientContext) NewInvokeOperation(urito *URI,
area UShort, areaVersion UOctet, service UShort, operation UShort) InvokeOperation
func (cctx *ClientContext) NewProgressOperation(urito *URI,
area UShort, areaVersion UOctet, service UShort, operation UShort) ProgressOperation
func (cctx *ClientContext) NewSubscriberOperation(urito *URI,
area UShort, areaVersion UOctet, service UShort, operation UShort) SubscriberOperation
func (cctx *ClientContext) NewPublisherOperation(urito *URI,
area UShort, areaVersion UOctet, service UShort, operation UShort) PublisherOperation
The definition of operation entities are:
type Operation interface {
// Get current TransactionId
GetTid() ULong
// Interrupt the operation during a blocking processing.
// Reset the operation in order to reuse it
Reset() error
// Close the operation
Close() error
type SendOperation interface {
Send(body []byte) error
type SubmitOperation interface {
Submit(body []byte) (*Message, error)
type RequestOperation interface {
Request(body []byte) (*Message, error)
type InvokeOperation interface {
Invoke(body []byte) (*Message, error)
GetResponse() (*Message, error)
type ProgressOperation interface {
Progress(body []byte) (*Message, error)
GetUpdate() (*Message, error)
GetResponse() (*Message, error)
type SubscriberOperation interface {
Register(body []byte) (*Message, error)
GetNotify() (*Message, error)
Deregister(body []byte) (*Message, error)
type PublisherOperation interface {
Register(body []byte) (*Message, error)
Publish(body []byte) error
Deregister(body []byte) (*Message, error)
Closing a client context
The Close method allows to close and unregister the context.s
func (cctx *ClientContext) Close() error
User’s Guide of the MAL/GO implementationn
Creating a MAL program using the MAL/GO implementation needs first to create and initialize a MAL context, then you can either use the low level API with EndPoint or use the high level API with ClientContext, Handlers and operations. These two modes are demonstrated through code samples below.
Creation of MAL context
A MAL context is created and initialized from a call to NewContext function of the mal package. This function takes in parameter an URL corresponding to the URI of this context:
- The scheme part of this URL defines the underlying transport (This transport factory needs to be first registered, it is done by importing for side effect the corresponding package).
- The host and port determines the binding of listen socket.
- The query part of this URL contains the optional parameters needed by the transport.
After use the MAL context shall be closed using the Close method, this call closes all registered listeners (end-point, etc) and finalizes the underlying transport.
func NewContext(url string) (*Context, error)
func (ctx *Context) Close() error
Example: The code below creates a MAL context using MALTCP transport and listening on port 16000 of the local network interface. The Close method of this context will be called at the end of the current function.
consumer_ctx, err := NewContext("maltcp://")
if err != nil
t.Fatal("Error creating context, ", err
defer consumer_ctx.Close()
Using a simple end-point
The end-point is created using the NewEndPoint function, the parameters are:
- the underlying MAL context.
- the service name (the service URI will be built by concatenation of MAL context URI with this name).
- an optional channel (if nil a channel is created during the end-point initialization).
A code sample is available in the TCP transport tests (
service, err := NewEndPoint(ctx, "service", nil)
if err != nil {
logger.Fatalf("Error creating service end-point: ", err)
Sending and Receiving a message
msg := &Message{
UriFrom: service.Uri,
UriTo: providerUri,
TransactionId: service.TransactionId(),
Body: payload,
msg, err := service.Recv()
if msg != nil {
logger.Errorf("Error receiving a message: ", err)
Using the High level API
Implementing a Provider
The example below shows a provider handling a unique progress interaction. Code samples are available in the MAL API tests (*_test.go).
// Provider context containing its datas
type MyProvider struct {
ctx *Context
cctx *ClientContext
nbmsg int
// Creation and initialization of the provider
func newMyProvider(url string, service string) (*MyProvider, error) {
// Creates and initializes the MAL context
ctx, err := NewContext(url)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Creates the client context for the provider
cctx, err := NewClientContext(ctx, service)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Allocates and initializes the provider structure
provider := &MyProvider{ctx, cctx, 0}
// Handler of a Progress operation
progressHandler := func(msg *Message, t Transaction) error {
provider.nbmsg += 1
if msg != nil {
transaction := t.(ProgressTransaction)
transaction.Ack(nil, false)
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
transaction.Update(update, false)
transaction.Reply(response, false)
} else {
logger.Warnf("receive: nil")
return nil
// Registers the handler above
cctx.RegisterProgressHandler(200, 1, 1, 1, progressHandler1)
// Declares and registers other handlers..
return provider, nil
// Close the provider.
func (provider *MyProvider) close() {
The code below allows to create the provider.
// Creates a provider registered with maltcp:// URI
provider, err := newMyProvider("maltcp://", "service")
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("Error creating provider: ", err)
defer provider.close()
Implementing a Consumer
The code below shows how to request the progress interaction of the provider above.
// Creates a new MAL context.
ctx, err := NewContext("maltcp://")
if err != nil {
return err
defer ctx.Close()
// Creates a client context for consumer's operations.
consumer, err := NewClientContext(consumer_ctx, "consumer")
if err != nil {
return err
// Creates a new ProgressOperation from the consumer's context.
op := consumer.NewProgressOperation("maltcp://", 200, 1, 1, 1)
// Initiates a Progress interaction with payload ([]byte encoded content).
// Gets Update messages from service
updt, err := op1.GetUpdate()
if err != nil {
return err
for updt != nil {
updt, err = op1.GetUpdate()
if err != nil {
return err
// There is no more updates, gets the Response message from service.
rep, err := op1.GetResponse()
if err != nil {
return err
Using a MAL broker
A simple implementation of a MAL broker is available in package. This implementation is based on the high-level API describes above.
// Creates a new broker
func NewBroker(cctx *ClientContext, updtHandler UpdateValueHandler, encoding EncodingFactory) (*BrokerHandler, error)
// Get broker URI
func (handler *BrokerImpl) Uri() *URI
// Gets the underlying ClientContext used by the broker.
func (handler *BrokerImpl) ClientContext() *ClientContext
// Closes the Broker
func (handler *BrokerImpl) Close()
The UpdateValueHandler interface allows the handling of list of specific «Update Value Type» by the broker. It allows the decoding of the «Update Value Type» lists received from the PUBLISH message and the construction and encoding of the resulting lists of each NOTIFY messages sent.
type UpdateValueHandler interface {
// Decodes the lists for each type defined in the top level PUBSUB template
// (see CCSDS 521.0-B-2 l,m,n and o).
DecodeUpdateValueList(decoder Decoder) error
// Returns the number of update value decoded in each list.
UpdateValueListSize() int
// Append the specified element of each <<Update Value Type>> lists received in
// the resulting list for the NOTIFY message under construction.
AppendValue(idx int)
// Encode the built list using the specified encoder.
EncodeUpdateValueList(encoder Encoder) error
// Reset the build list allowing a new cycle.
Examples of usage are available in the broker’s tests, as well as in the implementation of the COM Event service.