'malbinary' encoding code generation

This code is used for both Area and Composite encoding functions (cf sections 10.1.2 and 10.2.2).

Computing the encoding length

The following parameters are provided by the calling code:

Non mandatory field

Add the size of the presence flag:

mal_encoder_add_presence_flag_encoding_length(encoder, presence_flag, cursor);

If the field is of a pointer type:

if (<element> != NULL) {

Else test the presence flag:

if (presence_flag) {

Add the size of the encoded element. Cf section 11.1.2.


Mandatory field


In case of polymorphisme of Attribute:

mal_encoder_add_attribute_tag_encoding_length(encoder, attribute_tag, cursor);

In case of polymorphisme of Element:

mal_encoder_add_short_form_encoding_length(encoder, short_form, cursor);

Element value

If the declared type is MAL::Attribute:

rc = mal_encoder_add_attribute_encoding_length(encoder,
  attribute_tag, <element>, cursor);

If the element type is an Attribute:

rc = mal_encoder_add_<attribute>_encoding_length(encoder, <element>, cursor);

If the element type is a Composite:

rc = <area>_[<service>_]<composite>_add_encoding_length_malbinary(
  <element>, encoder, cursor);

If the element type is a list:

rc = <area>_[<service>_]<type>_list_add_encoding_length_malbinary(
  <element>, encoder, cursor);

If the element type is an Enumeration:

    rc = mal_encoder_add_small_enum_encoding_length(encoder, <element>, cursor);
    rc = mal_encoder_add_medium_enum_encoding_length(encoder, <element>, cursor);
    rc = mal_encoder_add_large_enum_encoding_length(encoder, <element>, cursor);

Test the error code:

if (rc < 0) return rc;


The following parameters are provided by the calling code:

Non mandatory field

Encoding the presence flag:

rc = mal_encoder_encode_presence_flag(encoder, cursor, <presence_flag>);
if (rc < 0) return rc;

Test the presence flag:

if (<presence_flag>) {

Encoding the element. Cf section 11.2.2.


Mandatory field


In case of polymorphism of Attribute, encoding the attribute tag (cf section 5.2.2 of the MAL/SPP book):

rc = mal_encoder_encode_attribute_tag(encoder, cursor, <attribute_tag>);

In case of polymorphism of Element:

rc = mal_encoder_encode_short_form(encoder,
  cursor, <AREA>_[<SERVICE>_]<TYPE>_SHORT_FORM);

Test the error code:

if (rc < 0) return rc;

Element value

If the declared type is MAL::Attribute:

rc = mal_encoder_encode_attribute(encoder,
  cursor, <attribute_tag>, <element>);

If the element type is an Attribute:

rc = mal_encoder_encode_<attribute>(encoder,
  cursor, <element>);

If the element type is a Composite:

rc = <area>_[<service>_]<composite>_encode_malbinary(
  <element>, encoder, cursor);

If the element type is a list:

rc = <area>_[<service>_]<type>_list_encode_malbinary(
  <element>, encoder, cursor);

If the element type is an Enumeration:

    rc = mal_encoder_encode_small_enum(encoder, cursor, <element>);
    rc = mal_encoder_encode_medium_enum(encoder, cursor, <element>);
    rc = mal_encoder_encode_large_enum(encoder, cursor, <element>);

Test the error code:

if (rc < 0) return rc;


The following parameters are provided by the calling code:

Non mandatory field

Decoding the presence flag:

rc = mal_decoder_decode_presence_flag(decoder, cursor, &presence_flag);
if (rc < 0) return rc;
if (presence_flag) {

Decoding the element. Cf section 11.3.2.


If the field is of a pointer type:

else {
  <element> = NULL;

Mandatory field

Polymorphism of Attribute

In case of polymorphism of Attribute, decoding the Attribute tag:

<unsigned char attribute_tag;>
rc = mal_decoder_decode_attribute_tag(decoder,
  cursor, &<attribute_tag>);

Test the error code:

if (rc < 0) return rc;

Decoding the attribute:

rc = mal_decoder_decode_attribute(decoder,
    cursor, attribute_tag , &<element>);

Polymorphism of Element

In case of polymorphism of Element, decoding the short form:

rc = mal_decoder_decode_short_form(decoder,
  cursor, &element_holder->short_form);

Test the error code:

if (rc < 0) return rc;

For each possible value of 'short_form' corresponding to a concrete type conforming to the abstract type:

if (element_holder->short_form == <AREA>_[<SERVICE>_]<TYPE>_SHORT_FORM) {

Decoding an element of the specified type. Cf section The element is decoded directly in the structure:

}[ else ]

Element value

If the element type is an Attribute:

rc = mal_decoder_decode_<attribute>(decoder,
  cursor, &<element>);

If the element type is a Composite:

<element> = <area>_[<service>_]<composite>_new();
if (<element> == NULL) return -1;
rc = <area>_[<service>_]<composite>_decode_malbinary(
  <element>, decoder, cursor);

If the element type is a list:

<element> = <area>_[<service>_]<type>_list_new(0);
if (<element> == NULL) return -1;
rc = <area>_[<service>_]<type>_list_decode_malbinary(
  <element>, decoder, cursor);

If the element type is an Enumeration :

int enumerated_value;
    rc = mal_decoder_decode_small_enum(decoder,
  cursor, &enumerated_value);
    rc = mal_decoder_decode_medium_enum(decoder,
  cursor, &enumerated_value);
    rc = mal_decoder_decode_large_enum(decoder,
  cursor, &enumerated_value);

Setting the decoded value:

<element> = (<area>_[<service>_]<enum>_t) enumerated_value;

Test the error code:

if (rc < 0) return rc;